Development 2

 I have have decided to explore different skin tones and also different shapes which the body forms.So far I have explored the back,arms  and the legs, however I thought I would be adventurous and explore every part of the body.Parts which are seen to be simple but, with the help of interesting lighting and the studio, have potential to be weird and wonderful.
I went on to photograph the entire body and the different shapes which it formed.I photographed aspects such as the ear and all the spirals which they formed,which created a weird maze like pattern.I used one bright light in the studio and photographed my model straight on.My image started form a side view of my model ,I then zoomed into the image as I recognise the fascinating patterning which the ears formed. I then went onto photoshop in order to edit my images by raising the contrast and transforming them from colour to black and white.I also experimented with using different skin to add contrast between different shades.In my previous shoot I have experimented mainly with light skins shades and the odd dark skin shoot but never combined them together.Hence the reason why I have combined dark and light skin tones.I believe this symbolises the idea that the body is different not only through shape but also through colour and the different shades which the colour varies.
After experimenting with different shades and changing the contrast of my images on photoshop, the skin variation was not as apparent as they had been in colour, so this experiment was not successful however , I believe the photographs work best when they are in colour due to the distinct differentiation in the skin tones. In order to improve my images for my next shoot , I believe that leaving them in colour and proceeding to edit my images in colour when using the variation of skin tone, will prove to be much more effective rather than editing them to black and white as I previously did.


On the left ,I experimenting with different angles I photographed  my model from underneath, which enlarged their features.I photographed their nostrils which created interesting shapes.I was please with the angles I used in the this shoot.The lighting is fairly light and delicate.


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