
Carl Warner
Carl Warner’s work is very unique; he creates landscape images by using the human bodies. He grew up listening to music and drawing different worlds from his imagination. His biggest inspiration the sense of other famous artist are Salvador Dali and Patrick Woodroofe, I feel as though this is demonstrated in his work. Salvador Dali was a surreal artist and Carl Warner's work creates a surreal world. His work demonstrates world that we can never encounters but worlds only our minds can take us.

This image is a picture of different body parts arranged in a way that seem to create a sort of landscape shape, it also creates and amazing illusion. The body appear to form mountains.

The first thing that caught my eye was the subjects body, when we first look at the image , it takes us a while to realise this is not a landscape picture but is indeed a set of images of the human body arranged in a way that appears to form mountains and hills. The back ground of the sky supports this further. I love the way the photographer changes the shape of the body in order to interpret the landscape scene, as they take different forms and shapes to create curves, bends and folds in the skin.

Shoot 6 : Bends and Curves in the skin 
I went and photographed different body parts in order to build the image up to create a landscape scene photographed body parts such as the knees, legs and the arms as they create bends and folds which I can build up to produce mountain and hill tops.

Photoshop: Carl Warner style
 I experimented with building up different images of the body in order to create a landscape picture did this by coping images of my models hand and layering them on top of each other firstly copied them onto of each other, I then cut out the back ground from my images as I had used a black backdrop Having completed that I was left with blocks of body parts. So I layer them onto of each other with the background of the sky which I had photographed earlier on in the day.

As a result I achieved the first image, the image I had produced seem to have a cold tone toward it so I added a layer and changed the colour of the whole image to different tones of orange which gave a warm feel to my images.


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